Gia is here already but camp can't begin until Eva and Ethan arrive. It was scheduled to start at 10:00 but Ethan has a morning dental appointment so we've pushed back the official opening until noon. Lots of surprises in store for the kids!! I've cut & pasted today's schedule below which has messed up the format but that's OK because camp is where we chill out and don't worry about the little things!
Wednesday - DAY 1
10 AM Campers arrive and are greeted by Camp Staff
followed by a tour of Camp Compound.
10:15 Official opening of CAMP SWEETIE-PIE 2011
Solemn ceremony and raising of the CSP flag.
POP go the weasels
12:00 Lunch Bell
12:45 Down to the creek!
3:00 30 minute R & R for pooped CSP Staff & Campers
3:30 Creativity table
4:30 Free time for swimming in CSP pool, badminton, frisbee
5:30 Campers do assigned KP duties for dinner
6:00 Dinner Bell!!
Dinner: Famous CSP Burgers!
After dinner S’mores & movie!
9:00 PM: Lights out for tired campers
The rules: you have to pop the other kid's balloons using only the banana. You are not allowed to use your feet, teeth or hands, other than to hold the banana. Will a banana pop a balloon? We hope so, otherwise we'll have to come up with plan number two. The last one with an un-popped balloon is the winner and gets a Silly Bandz bracelet, otherwise known as Camp Bonus Bucks, which can be used to buy something at the Camp Store every evening.....but more about the store in a later post!
For some reason, in this blog format I can't choose where the photos go. In the photo at the top, my buddy Joe, otherwise known as CAMP STAFF or Poppa, by granddaughter Gia, is blowing up LOTS of balloons for POP go the Weasels! What a trooper!
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