Camp Staff Joe demonstrates his 'Man vs Wild' and culinary skills by cooking the crawdads that the Camp Sweetie-pie tribe collected down at the creek. Eva & Gia ate them and said they taste 'just like egg'. Ethan wanted no part of it!

The first activity of the day was called 'Brides & Zombies' on the camp schedule. They had to make a costume out of a stack of white tissue paper, a couple of rolls of toilet paper and fabric scraps.

Brides & Zombies was followed by 'Don't Get Mad - Get Even'. The kids have fun guessing what the cryptic activity titles on the camp schedule could possibly mean. We keep them guessing until the last minute. Last year, this was called, 'The Great White Monsters'....which they loved and is back by popular demand. Give each camper a can of whipped cream and sprinkles - and tell them 'anything goes'!

Whoever would have guessed that Gia, smallest of the campers, could put away so much watermelon in such a short time! Hands behind your backs and dig in! This is the watermelon eating contest....

Every day, Camp Staff Anne has been working with Eva and Gia on carding and spinning wool. They've learned with the drop spindle and now a treadle spinning wheel. Tomorrow they'll weave the wool they've spun.

Ethan sketching

When it gets hot or the kids start to get bored, we head down the creek where the hunter-gatherers spend hours with their buckets and nets collecting fish (which are returned to the creek), snails and a few unlucky crawdads.
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