I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! The first game of the day, Pop go the Weasels, was hilarious. We covered the kids in balloons and armed each one with a banana....the only thing we could think of that was downright silly and most likely to pop a balloon without damaging one of the kids. But by the time each kiddo only had a few balloons each, the bananas weren't as sharp so we declared all three kids winners and gave them a bonus buck to spend at the Camp Store later in the day.
Last year, I gave Attitude Awards for good behaviour. Most of the awards cost $1 each from Michaels or the Dollar Store. I put them all in a box which was then put in a pillow case so they couldn't see the prizes and had to choose by feel. This year, we came up with a different twist and Joe made a store out of a big box with flaps that open up to display the wares. Attitude Awards are given spontaneously by the Camp Chief (that's me) for being helpful, friendly, caring, etc.
Kids catch on quickly. "Sweetie-pie (that's me), do you need help"? The awards are the rubber-band bracelets called Silly Bandz which are then traded for goodies at the store, managed by Camp Staff Joe, who keeps it sealed with duct tape when it isn't open for business.
The Camp Compound has a shower (cold water, of course! This is Camp!), a swimming pool (Easy-Set pool = bought last year for about $50 and is definitely the best CSP investment I've ever made), a large screened tent with three air mattresses, each with their own mosquito net. a badminton court and an activity table with all sorts of art/crafts projects.
The kids have been great. Lots of laughter, no fighting and no tears! My grandkids are 11 (Eva) and 9 (Ethan). Joe & Anne's granddaughter Gia, is 8. I was a bit concerned that an uneven number might mean that one kiddo gets left out, but they play together beautifully. Even the Camp Staff is having a wonderful time.
1. Campers will bring a good attitude and be prepared to have six days of fun!
2. Campers will attend the morning flag raising and lowering of the flag at 6 PM.
3. Campers will say please and thank you to the staff and to each other.
4. Campers will wear flip-flops or shoes when playing outside except when they're on the Camp Compound lawn.
5. All Campers will participate in the daily schedule which will be posted each morning on the Camp bulletin board.
7. If Campers don't follow the rules, camp activities will come to a screeching halt until Campers get in line!
8. Campers will make beds and tidy bedroom each morning and must pass staff inspection. (unless you've won a 'CAMP STAFF WILL MAKE YOUR BED' award, then you will be excused)
9. Campers must do daily snake patrol once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Campers must NOT step on snakes!
10. Campers will do daily KP duty which includes setting table, clearing table, assist with meal preparation.
11. After attending FIRST AID CLASS on day one, Campers will form the FIRST AID CORPS, using the first aid kit to treat their own, and other's injuries, including bear bites.
12. Campers will hang up wet towels and suits after swimming on Camp clothesline.
13. Attitude Awards, otherwise known as bonus bucks, will be awarded for enthusiasm, kindness and for laughing so hard that your sides hurt. If you tattle on another camper, you will lose one bonus buck.
14. Crabby Campers will not be tolerated and will be hosed off with cold water until they have a change of attitude! NO EXCEPTIONS!
2. Campers will attend the morning flag raising and lowering of the flag at 6 PM.
3. Campers will say please and thank you to the staff and to each other.
4. Campers will wear flip-flops or shoes when playing outside except when they're on the Camp Compound lawn.
5. All Campers will participate in the daily schedule which will be posted each morning on the Camp bulletin board.
7. If Campers don't follow the rules, camp activities will come to a screeching halt until Campers get in line!
8. Campers will make beds and tidy bedroom each morning and must pass staff inspection. (unless you've won a 'CAMP STAFF WILL MAKE YOUR BED' award, then you will be excused)
9. Campers must do daily snake patrol once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Campers must NOT step on snakes!
10. Campers will do daily KP duty which includes setting table, clearing table, assist with meal preparation.
11. After attending FIRST AID CLASS on day one, Campers will form the FIRST AID CORPS, using the first aid kit to treat their own, and other's injuries, including bear bites.
12. Campers will hang up wet towels and suits after swimming on Camp clothesline.
13. Attitude Awards, otherwise known as bonus bucks, will be awarded for enthusiasm, kindness and for laughing so hard that your sides hurt. If you tattle on another camper, you will lose one bonus buck.
14. Crabby Campers will not be tolerated and will be hosed off with cold water until they have a change of attitude! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Where was this camp when I was a kid? I'm jealous! So fun!