The is the fourth day of Camp Sweetie-pie and the Great Water Balloon War!

I can't believe it is day four already and nary an argument between the three kids. They get along so well. Eva is like a big sister to Gia and as Gia and Ethan are closer in age, they play well together. Lots of 'please', 'thank you's' and 'are you OK'? but perhaps that's because The Camp Chief Sweetie-pie (that's me) is watching with a wrist of Silly Bandz, otherwise known as 'Camp Bonus Bucks' which are awarded for good manners and sportsmanship and can then be used to purchase goodies at The Camp Store.
We started the day with Sumo Wrestling! Looks of horror on their faces when we told them they would have to wear official sumo outfits (only kidding, kids!) Our version of Sumo Wrestling was done with large exercise balls. It didn't take long for Eva to be declared the WINNER!

Preparations begin for the Fourth Annual Camp Sweetie-pie Water Balloon War! An hour or two later and sore fingers all around, we only managed to fill about 50 water balloons for each kid.

Elaborate bunkers were made by the campers (armed with fishing nets with hopes of catching a water balloon). And yes, you really can catch a water balloon with a fishing net!

The War Begins!!

Considering the Camp Staff are all OOF (official-old-farts) we're doing pretty well though every now and then I catch one of the staff slacking off.

This is Camper Gia's last day of Camp Sweetie-pie, so according to tradition, she signs the flag after it is lowered for the day. The kids trace their hands, add a few words such as 'Camp Sweetie-pie is AWESOME!' and sign their names. We've now got four years of hands and signatures on the flag - it's becoming a family heirloom!
Gia leaves today and two and a half year old Eliza will take her place for the last 24 hours of Camp. Eva and Ethan will move up to the position of Camp Counselors in order to show their little sister a great time for her first year at Camp Sweetie-pie! The kids have promised that they will keep coming to camp even when they're in high school so that Eliza can have fun at camp too.
My house is for sale, so this is probably the last camp at the house. But Joe & Anne own the house next door, which is this year's location for the Camp Compound so even after my house has sold, we can still have the camp here in the canyon. Though there are other possible locations for camp. The beach in San Diego? Hawaii? And perhaps New Zealand once I'm settled there.
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