Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day One - Camp Sweetie-pie 2013

I know - I'm a few days behind. There isn't much time left at the end of the day for blogging when one is chasing a four year old!

You can't drive past Four Corners without getting a photo of the kids standing on the four corners of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. Eliza managed to sit on all four states at once.

The first part of the road trip went pretty smoothly, even though Eliza is only four. She had a few brief melt-downs but they didn't last for long. We spent the first night on the road at a motel in southern Colorado. I checked Trip-Advisor and found one with both a pool and free wi-fi. But as with the best laid plans of mice and men, the wi-fi wasn't available.  Oh well, the pool was fabulous; clean and as warm as a bath, and the wi-fi was working by the next morning.

It's not easy to raise and lower the Camp S'pie flag when you're on a road trip, but we ceremoniously raised it before leaving the kid's house in Arizona, then rolled it up and put it in the trunk....then lowered it that night in the Colorado motel room.  

All is well at the end of Day One - Camp Sweetie-pie 2013!

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