It started out as a quiet day at the Camp Compound. I think the kids are tired. Gia learned how to crochet - Eva crocheted some sandals - and Ethan played darts. Part of the reason for Camp S'pie, is that by spending six days with your grandkids, you find out who they are. I think Joe and Anne have had similar insights into Gia. I've learned that if Ethan isn't interested in something, it's hard to talk him into it. But if it's a project that does interest him, he becomes totally focused and won't give up on it; a trait that will serve him well when he's grown up. Eva is good-natured and generous. Today Ethan only had four beads (bonus bucks) and Eva had six. When the camp store opened, Eva bought something for Ethan with one of her beads.

Every morning after I post the day's schedule, the kids try to figure out what the cryptic titles of some of the activities mean. Today, KIDSICLES was on the schedule. A couple of days before camp started, I thoroughly soaked (perhaps too thoroughly!) three of my old CSP t-shirts, rolled them into a ball, and put them in the freezer. I handed each kid a plastic bag with a frozen t-shirt. The first kid to wear the t-shirt is the winner.
They immediately thought of water - the swimming pool - garden hose, solar shower.
The t-shirts were still frozen solid. They tried beating the shirts on concrete and tree trunks, with rocks and hammers, then holding the shirts against hot surfaces....the barbecue lid, a boat.
Finally, after at least 30 minutes.....
Eva is the winner!
I'm posting this late - on the morning of the last day. Today, we pack up camp in the afternoon and the kids head home. It might be a little too quiet at the Camp Sweetie-pie Compound.
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